
Archive for Rules, Regulations and Laws

5 of the Biggest Payroll Mistakes that Small Business Owners Make

Have you ever read something and found yourself shaking your head in agreement through the entire piece? Well, when I saw a slide presentation from Accounting Today about the payroll errors commonly made by small business owners, I had to agree. I personally have been given these reasons for why some of my clients make the decision to outsource their payroll to The Payroll Department! These are costly mistakes when the IRS or other governmental agency gets involved – I know lots of people who will agree with that. Don’t be caught out! (more…)

Posted in: Churches and Non-Profit Employers, IRS and Tax forms, Operating a Small Business, Payroll, Payroll Processing, Rules, Regulations and Laws

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Employers Need to Be Aware of Differences in Federal and State Labor Laws

Employers cannot rely solely on the guidelines in the Fair Labor Standards Act. So, if you think you know that Act inside and out and you are safe … think again. Why? Because each state also has its own set of rules, regulations and laws by which you must abide if you are a resident of their state. And that can get you into trouble. (more…)

Posted in: Operating a Small Business, Payroll, Payroll Processing, Rules, Regulations and Laws

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Are You Opening Up Your Small Business to Payroll Fraud?

According to an article in Forbes by Matthew Garrett, payroll fraud is a problem. A really big problem. He says that 27% of all businesses are the victims of payroll fraud. And, small business owners beware, because Garrett says payroll fraud occurs nearly twice as often (14.2%) in small organizations with less than 100 employees than in large ones (7.6%). (more…)

Posted in: Operating a Small Business, Payroll, Payroll Processing, Rules, Regulations and Laws

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Employers Must Pay for Short Employee Breaks

As an employer, you set the policies for managing your small business and your employees. But you better make sure your payroll policies follow government rules. Otherwise, you may have to pay back wages and fines. Just ask Progressive Business Publications. The Pennsylvania company owes current and former employees about $1.75 million in back wages and damages for docking its employees’ pay for bathroom breaks. (more…)

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Minimum Wage – more than meets the eye

Minimum wage is a hot topic in the media these days, but we aren’t going to debate increasing the minimum wage to $15. The amount may be under debate, but the one thing that doesn’t change is the fact that employers have laws to follow regarding minimum wage. (more…)

Posted in: Operating a Small Business, Payroll, Payroll Processing, Rules, Regulations and Laws

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The Truth about Payroll Taxes

In the politically charged atmosphere during the couple of years preceding a presidential election, the topic of taxes – and payroll taxes in particular – takes center stage. It is payroll taxes that take a bite out of both employees’ paychecks and small business owners’ bottom lines. (more…)

Posted in: IRS and Tax forms, Operating a Small Business, Payroll, Payroll Processing, Payroll Taxes, Rules, Regulations and Laws

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Employee Record Retention and Destruction: Make Sure Your Business Is in Compliance

Business owners accumulate substantial volumes of employee records like employment applications, performance reviews, payroll records and disciplinary actions. At the beginning of the year, when many employers can’t stuff another piece of paper into crowded filing cabinets, they often decide it’s time to purge old files. But, before you start throwing out any documents, you need to make sure you’re in compliance with federal, state and local laws that require you to retain employee records for a specified time period. (more…)

Posted in: IRS and Tax forms, Operating a Small Business, Payroll, Payroll Processing, Rules, Regulations and Laws

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Words Small Business Owners Don’t Want to Hear: Pay Back Wages

One thing a small business owner never wants to hear in connection with his payroll is BACK PAY. Don’t be confused, Back Pay is not when you give an employee a raise and make the start date in the past and allow for retroactive pay. No, Back Pay is a remedy for wage violations. It’s an order that the employer make up the difference between what the employee was paid and what the employee should have been paid. It’s a serious situation. (more…)

Posted in: IRS and Tax forms, Operating a Small Business, Payroll, Payroll Processing, Payroll Taxes, Rules, Regulations and Laws

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Employer Obligations: Paying Taxes on Employees’ Tips

Do you have employees who receive tips? Did you know, as an employer, you have certain obligations when it comes to the income on your employees’ tips? Do you – and your employees – know that they must report the total amount of taxable tips to you by the 10th of the month following the month after receiving the tips? If your employees don’t know this, you need to educate them.

Employees and employers have tax liability for tips. Know what you are required to do.Generally, your employee’s tips are not taxable unless they make more than $20 per calendar month. If they do make over $20 in tips per month, you’re responsible for withholding income and FICA (Social Security and Medicare) taxes on the employee’s reported tips (all tips, including the initial $20) – even though you don’t have control over the amount of tips your employee receives.

Also, you’re required to pay the employer’s portion of FICA and FUTA (federal unemployment) taxes on these tips. Additionally, you must withhold the 0.9% FICA Medicare surtax, too, if the employee’s tips (in combination with the wages you pay them) exceed the $200,000 withholding threshold.

However, your obligation to pay your employee’s portion of the FICA and income taxes due is limited to the amount of non-tip wages you pay the employee. If your employee’s paycheck isn’t big enough to cover the withholding taxes, you should withhold taxes in this order:

  1. The employee’s portion of the FICA tax due on the non-tip wage payment.
  2. The income taxes you’re obligated to withhold on the non-tip wage payment.
  3. The employee’s portion of the FICA tax due on the tip income.
  4. The income taxes you’re obligated to withhold on the tip income.

However, if this process still leaves you with insufficient funds to collect your employee’s FICA tax, your obligation to withhold the uncollected portion ends. As for collecting outstanding income taxes, these payroll taxes should be withheld from the employee’s next paycheck.

It’s important to note, if your employee doesn’t report their tips of $20 or more per calendar quarter to you, you can only be held liable for your portion of FICA. This liability only arises when the IRS makes a written notice, demanding payment.

Managing restaurant payroll and the payroll taxes can be complicated, but it doesn’t have to be if you have a payroll services provider like The Payroll Department handling your payroll and taxes for you. We can take the hassle out of figuring out what taxes you owe on the income from your employees’ tips and make these payments for you. Contact us for more information on how we can help you.

-Ariane of The Payroll Department Blog Team

Posted in: IRS and Tax forms, Operating a Small Business, Payroll, Payroll Processing, Payroll Taxes, Rules, Regulations and Laws

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How to Determine Payroll Frequency

Decisions. Decisions. Decisions. As a small business owner, it seems that there are always decisions to be made, and you are the one expected to make them. Determining the frequency with which you will pay your employees is one decision that needs to be made fairly early in the life of your business. Chances are that if you have employees you’ve already made this decision. So how can you be sure that you have made the right choice?

Don't pick a payday just because it sounds good.As with many business decisions, a good place to start is by looking at the applicable state and federal law. In this case, there are not a lot of rules that must be followed. Federal and state laws do require that employees be paid on a regular basis. That means that you need to decide how often employees will be paid and then stick to it. A business is not allowed to deviate from its usual pattern to accommodate a seasonal slump or an unexpected expense. In addition, some states have laws setting a minimum frequency at which workers must be paid.

After considering the legal aspects of this decision, small business owners must also take into account the financial aspects. As you may have guessed, it is more expensive to pay employees more frequently. Every time payroll is processed, resources are expended. If a business is doing its own payroll operation, then there is the employee time that is used to calculate the payroll and deductions as well as the cost to print checks or have the pay direct-deposited. If the business relies on a payroll service, the cost will be based on the number of times the payroll must be done.

Finally, small business owners should consider their employees when making this decision. Typically salaried employees are paid either once per month or semi-monthly while hourly employees are often paid on a weekly or bi-weekly basis. In addition, employees might have a preference (usually to be paid more often) that employers may want to take into account if possible.

If you have questions about your own payroll operation and how frequently your employees should be paid, The Payroll Department can help you evaluate your situation and determine what is best for you. With years of experience in providing reliable payroll service, we are able to help you work these kinds of issues. Just give us a call at (317) 852-2568.

-Jessica of The Payroll Depart Blog Team

Posted in: Operating a Small Business, Payroll, Payroll Processing, Rules, Regulations and Laws

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