
Posts Tagged employer payroll garnishment

6 Payroll Terms Business Owners Need to Know

As a small business owner, you know all about your products or services. You’re the expert. However, when it comes to payroll, you may be an amateur with a limited understanding about compensation and taxes. Nevertheless, you may be trying to handle your company’s payroll on your own. Or, maybe you’ve realized you just don’t have the know-how to tackle your company’s payroll, so you’ve hired an employee or a payroll services like The Payroll Department to handle your company’s payroll for you. (more…)

Posted in: Operating a Small Business, Payroll

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10 Steps to Get your Payroll System Up and Running

Want to set up a payroll system but aren’t sure where to start?  The Small Business Association offers some advice in the form of 10 steps to set up a payroll system.  Check out an abbreviated summary of the recommended steps below or read the full article on the SBA website. (more…)

Posted in: Churches and Non-Profit Employers, IRS and Tax forms, Rules, Regulations and Laws

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Workplace Garnishments: What Your Small Business Needs to Know

When it comes to processing employee’s payroll with multiple garnishments, there is an established hierarchy of which one takes precedence.  The Bankruptcy Abuse Prevention and Consumer Protection Act (BAPCPA) was signed into law on April 20, 2005 and enacted on October 17, 2005.  Prior to this law, Chapter 13 bankruptcy orders took priority over other garnishments.  There was no limit to this federal deduction.  Along with consideration for the type of order issued is the date on which it was issued.  Date order, earliest to latest, establishes when the set amount begins coming out of employees’ paychecks.  If you’re unsure of the pecking order, here’s an overview of some of the most common types of garnishments. (more…)

Posted in: Payroll Processing, Rules, Regulations and Laws

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Garnishment Orders are NOT Optional for Employers

Some employees can work in jobs their entire life and never know anything about wage garnishments. As employers, you are probably not as lucky. Chances are that at some point you will be asked to garnish the wages of an employee. Do you know what to do?


Posted in: Payroll Processing, Rules, Regulations and Laws

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